What Is The Curly Girl Method?

What Is The Curly Girl Method?

If you have wavy, curly or coiled hair you may have already been doing the curly girl method for years without even realising it. Perhaps your stylist, parents or friends have told you what to do. Maybe you have been shown how to keep your hair well maintained and get the most out of your natural curl pattern. But for a lot of us with naturally wavy, curly or coiled hair it has not been easy and we don’t even realise the potential of our hair. So if you’re looking to enhance your natural hair pattern; You’re in the right place if you are interested in learning more about the Curly Girl Method, or hearing why I started on this journey.

What Is The Curly Girl Method?

The curly girl method (or CGM) was originally developed by hair stylist and curl expert, Lorraine Massey Lorraine also wrote curly girl: the handbook. Highlighting some Do’s and don’ts, it is a really great guide for starting your journey. Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule for what is going to work for you. So if you choose to follow the rules strict you can but it is your hair and you know it better than anyone else. So you do you!

A Quick Overview of The Curly Girl Method:

NO silicones, sulphates, drying alcohols and artificial fragrances in products.

DON’T brush your hair, combing only.

NO heat or as little heat as possible.

Use a microfibre towel, say bye to your usual hair towel.

Include protein-rich products.

Use Moisture rich products.

A note on silicones and sulphates

Neither silicones or sulphates are ‘bad’ for hair but there are factors which make eliminating these products of value to someone with wavy, curly or coily hair. But as I’ve already mentioned you don’t need to follow the rules strictly. You do what is right for you.

How To Get Started With The CGM

So looking at the steps above you’re probably thinking that doesn’t sound too bad, I thought that too. But there is a lot more to the curly girl method than you would imagine. However, there are some great Youtube videos and there, plus there are Facebook groups which can be a lot of help. I had a lot of help getting started from my boyfriend’s sister Lisa (dare I say sister-in-law yet?)

My advice getting started with the curly girl method would be to first educate yourself of what silicones and sulphates are and what ingredients you should be looking for on packaging. If in doubt you can copy the ingredients list into curlsbot. Curlsbot is a site which will highlight the excluded ingredients if there are any.

Secondly, I would suggest buying hydrating hair products, as most wavy, curly and coily hair is dry and needs moisture. There is a lot more to the curly girl method including the moisture-protein balance as I mentioned above. This is a technique which frankly is hard to be able to distinguish what your hair needs especially at the beginning. But when buying your hydrating products, there is a lot on the market which is very affordable (as low as £1). I would suggest getting an affordable hair line up which includes the base products of a shampoo, conditioner and a styling gel, cream or mousse. You can add other products such as a hair mask and other styling products as you go along. The error of my ways was perhaps buying everything I could need all at once and feeling a little overwhelmed.

Finally, I would recommend patience. If you are not patient or willing to play the long game then the curly girl method is not for you!

Why I have Started the Curly Girl Method

Honestly, I have started it because I have nothing to lose. I had beautiful long blonde, ringlets as a child. So when Lisa mentioned this to me she also had her own results to show for it too. Her curly girl results spoke for themselves. I thought I’ve got to try this!

For the longest time I’ve had naturally lose waves and very frizzy hair. So if there is any chance of enhancing my natural wave/curl pattern I thought I should try. Check out the post banner for my before and after results within just 6 weeks.

Products I recommend starting with

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