How To Stay Healthy at Home

How To Stay Healthy at Home

If you’re not working from home already during this uncertain time; it is likely you’re still spending a lot of time at home when you’re not working. It would be crazy of me to say that there is any one single person in the UK right now who isn’t in some way being affected by this (Covid 19) Corona Virus. You will not be alone in starting to feel fed up of this situation. I have compiled a list of helpful tips to help you stay healthy in both your body and mind during this time.

This uncertainty is almost guaranteed to effect your mental health, I know I have been affected. Having some structure to your day and a detailed plan can help you remain in control of your emotions and perhaps even help with anxiety and depression.

working at your desk

Get Showered and Dressed Like You’re Going to The Office to Stay Healthy at Home

A significant amount of research has been done proving that the way you dress boosts productivity. Getting up at 7am like you always do and working your usual hours can really help you stay in a good routine. Plus feeling the part helps you get in the right mindset. Staying in your pj’s or lounge pants all day never instilled anyone with productivity. Plus its even harder now to stay motivated as this pandemic drags on.

Stay Healthy at Home with Healthy Snacks

Working from home makes it so much easier to reach for those cheeky treats throughout the day. I know they have been calling me. They’re available, and snacking can be a distraction (I know it is for me). Try and fill your cupboards with healthy snacks. I love to snack on nuts, cereal bars, fruit and veg sticks with hummus. If you want convenient snacks, Graze do a great selection for both at home and on the go.

Take Breaks and Stretch Your legs

Not only is it good for your productivity but above all, it is good for your physical and mental health too. Ultimately helping you stay healthy at home. Taking regular breaks will help keep you focused while you are working. Plus it will allow you to relax your eyes from focusing on your computer screen. Plus it will help reduce the risk of heart and circulatory problems later in life. A 10 minute walk can make the world of difference to both your body and your mind. Ultimately helping you relax, maintain bone and muscle strength whilst getting exercise at the same time.

Get a Good Nights Sleep

All of the schools are closed. If you’re a parent you’re also acting as teacher, as a result this may be the most difficult task on this list! To everyone else this is still hard just because of the uncertainty.

The final step is getting a good nights sleep. Sleep is absolutely key as most of your bodily repair occurs overnight. Getting a good rest will also help you wake happier and less irritable. 7-9 hours sleep is recommended for most adults but getting as close to this as possible is the goal! Check out my tips on how to get a better night’s sleep here.

getting a good sleep
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