How to find the right foundation for you.

How to find the right foundation for you.

We have all been there. We have read countless magazines, heard from our friends and seen it spread all over Instagram. Flawless, poreless beautiful skin. We sit and think “how do I achieve that look?”

Here are a few of my favourite tips to help you find the the right foundation for you whether that is; shade, texture or suitability for your skin type.

Finding the right foundation shade for you.

Finding the right shade can be difficult. We have all bought the wrong shade at one time in our lives; but my favourite tip is lighter is better. if you really want to find the right shade it is worth determining your skin’s undertones. I have a little more info about this in my post describing how to find the perfect red lip. 

With a lighter shade it always seems to look classier and have a more professional finish. Remember you can always use a little bronzer or blush to add a little extra colour if your shade is a little too light for you or if you have caught the sun a little.

Test, Test, Test

When trying a new foundation there are so many colours to choose from. It can seem a little overwhelming, but don’t be afraid to ask for a free sample. Often beauty counters allow you to test the colours in store.

Testing the colour on your jaw line gives the best representation of your skin colour. You can also see how easy or difficult it will be to blend the colour down your neck.

Take your time

There is no time scale in which you need to find the right shade, texture and match for your skin.

Go to multiple beauty counters and ask for their advice, they’re usually happy to help. They will help you colour-match if they have the new technology or they will test multiple shades for you so they can help you chose your favourite.

Beauty with the added skin care benefit! These are my favourite types of foundations. Personally I find it difficult to find a foundation which sits well on my dry, sensitive skin and doesn’t irritate. My go to favourite foundations are the  Clinique superbalanced makeup with SPF 15 , Clinique beyond perfecting foundation and concealer and the Estee Lauder Double wear with SPF10

A little goes a long way

Remember when you got told this as a child when you were adding way too much glitter to your school projects (FYI there is no such thing as too much glitter). Its true sometimes all you need is that one ‘go to’ foundation.

A light weight foundation even something like a BB cream or tinted moisturiser will give you that little added coverage without the ‘cake face’ and allows you to wear it on holiday or even during a work out.

It has recently been raised by many skin experts that a little foundation daily can actually be good for your skin.

Only having one also has its benefits on your bank balance too, despite the obvious saving money by not buying 10 foundations. When you reach the expiry date of your foundation most of the time you will have used it all, but it also means you have to throw less away.

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