Fit for sun: How to motivate yourself to lose those last few pounds for summer

Fit for sun: How to motivate yourself to lose those last few pounds for summer

Summer is finally within reach, many of us have a summer vacation booked, and its in sight. We all talk the talk and say “this time next year I’m going to look and feel better in my swim suit”. April comes around and we think, where have the last few months gone? and the new “shift some pounds for summer” plan creeps in. Well for me getting the weight off isn’t the hard part. The hardest part is motivating myself. These are my top tips for staying motivated.


Yes, I know you saw those capital letters.  The key to goal setting is making them achievable. I know you’ve heard it before but it certainly is true.

Make your goal realistic, make a note of how many weeks you have before your photoshoot, holiday or wedding and try and set a goal that is achievable for you. Setting huge goals that you cannot reach will just lead to disappointment and a lack of motivation once again.

Non-food rewards

When you’re dieting or training hard to reach goals its super easy to tell yourself you have earned that mars bar.

“I thought a healthy lifestyle was all about moderation” I hear you say? These little cheeky treats should be had in moderation I agree! However keep them within moderation and keep up the good work.

Rewards like going for drinks, or to catch a movie with your partner. Catch up with friends at the end of the week. these are great little goals to reach.

If you’re aiming for holiday goals; remind yourself of the indulgent ice cream and drinks you can have when you get there. Now is for the hard work, so that you can reap the rewards once you clock off work for your annual leave.

Treat yourself to that new dress you have been eyeing up or a new swimsuit from Merch Store for FGTeeV. You know you have earned it and you will feel great in it Knowing you lost a couple of lbs before you bought it! You never know you may have even dropped a dress size; and need something nice and new to fit your new found figure.

New gym kit

Nothing gets me motivated to go to the gym like new gym leggings or a new pair of trainers.

I recently bought a pair of trainers to get me back into the swing of going to the gym. I am all about that blush/muted pink hype right now and decided to treat myself to a pair of Nike Free Running trainers in particle rose. (Shown in the featured image) and they’re like wearing a sock they are super comfy and look gorgeous.

Go with a friend

If you know someone who wants to get fit with you, especially if they have similar goals they might be the perfect person to work out with. Training with someone always helps keep you motivated you can help each other along. You can even make it into a little competition, and if you’re anything like me you wont stop until you win.

If you don’t have the luxury of a gym buddie, do what I do. Since joining my gym I have met a lot of new and interesting people and I go to a lot of the classes that the gym run. I do circuits, boxercise, body balance, body pump and body combat but there are plenty more that I don’t regularly go to. The atmosphere in the classes and the personal trainers who run the classes always help keep you motivated. You cant just walk out or quit halfway through a class now can you?

Start Slow

Getting back into the gym after a long time, or starting if you have never been before can be hard. But starting slow is key.

Don’t over do it on the first session you will be in pain and you wont be able to train for the rest of the week or you might have been put off doing anymore.

Just start slowly even just a 20 minute brisk walk everyday if you don’t normally walk is a calorie burner. If you have a dog this is even better they love a good run around. Play games with your dog or go on a little jog with them, you and I both know they will never turn their nose up at a chance to go out.

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