Why do you experience Back Pain during your period?

Why do you experience Back Pain during your period?

Having your period is already an uncomfortable time of the month for a lot of us. Some of us experience cramps and wrenching period pain and just to top it off a lot of us also experience back pain. So I thought I would outline the potential causes of your back pain during your period.

So why do we experience back pain while having our period?

It is not uncommon at all. Because you’re not pregnant your uterus no longer needs its thicker lining. Your uterus sheds this inner lining, hence why we have a period.

This uterus lining has accumulated over the last 28 days since our last cycle, and now it is time for your uterus to shed this lining. In order to shed the lining the uterus must contract. These contractions are what cause the pain us ladies experience monthly.

So Why is The Pain in Your back?

When your uterus is contracting it often puts pressure on your blood vessels in and around the pelvis. This pressure on the vessels can decrease the amount of oxygen to this area or just hinder the oxygen circulation in this area. Thus, carrying less oxygen to those nearby muscles including the lower back, hence the cramps and pain experienced.

You don’t need to suffer!

Some of my tips for pain relief include:

Taking time to relax and rest, including taking a warm (not hot) bath. Maybe use some bath soak. My favourites include the West lab Soothing bath soak which is perfect for dry, sensitive or problematic skin and it great if youre on a budget too. Or my favourite when I really deserve a treat is the Elemis aching muscle super soak. Or taking some over the counter anti-inflammatory medication.

Do you suffer from hormonal acne and breakouts? Read my post here to find out why this happens and why some forms of contraception can increase these negative effects.

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